A Lot of Things Going On in District Four

Even though the council is about to change a couple of members, there is still a long going on in terms of the city.

The first of four citywide budget hearings will take place tonight at Cedar Crest Golf Course (1800 Southerland Avenue-map) from 630–8PM. These meetings are different than the usual budget hearings that occur in July and August. Due to the large potential budget deficit, the council decided to have extra meetings in advance of the normally scheduled budget town hall meetings. This will be the only meeting in Oak Cliff.

Also, on Saturday we will have a teen summit which focuses on young males. Restore Our Image, Inc. and Real Black Men, Inc. in cooperation with Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway presents the “Boys to Men… Walking With a Swagger” Teen Summit.

This is for teen males only 13-18, though all adults are welcome.

The event will feature:

*Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway
*NBA player and Dallas hoop legend CJ Miles of the Utah Jazz
*Omar Jahwar from Vision Regeneration
*and other local community leaders making a difference.

There will be a continental breakfast and lunch and job information will be provided.

Van transportation will be provided from Beckley Saner Recreation Center, (114 W. Hobson) at 8:30 a.m. and return students at 1:30 p.m.

Finally, on Tuesday June 9th we will have the official ribbon cutting for the brand new Save-a-Lot store at the Crest Shopping Center (map).

In the process, the new store also provided us an opportunity to get rid of the asbestos filled theater that was on the north side of the center. The theater had been vacant for years and could not be rented due to the aforementioned issues. You will also see that the entire mall is undergoing an extensive renovation and repaving, which was spearheaded by me and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Caraway working with the owners of the center as part of our Lancaster Road Initiative.

We hope you join us for these events.

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